These sensors enable BigTop to either autonomously make decisions about its behavior or pass the information to an operator.
When BigTop operates independently, its autonomous decision-making ability is based on pre-programmed algorithms. These algorithms are designed to make BigTop autonomous to do the required job with simple instructions provided by the nursery or agricultural business.
Flexibility is built into the artificial intelligence of BigTop. The mobile robot can operate independently or it can be controlled by an operator. In this second scenario, BigTop passes feedback to an operator who controls the autonomous robot remotely.
Powerful, Plant-Spacing Mobile Robot
BigTop Autonomous Mobile Robot solves the repetitive and laborious task of moving and spacing pots of different sizes and weights in greenhouse nurseries. Through our proprietary algorithms BigTop is able to identify potted plants of various shapes and move them for optimal growth. This ability to identify, lift and move plants to their ideal position provides huge value to the nursery and agricultural industries.
Without BigTop, this job would have to be performed by workers. The challenge is that the horticulture industry is currently facing a labor shortage. Attracting potential workers is very difficult because the tasks involved are repetitive and potentially dangerous. The repetitive nature of moving and spacing posts can cause repetitive stress injury.
BigTop uses two robotic arms to pick up to six plants at a time. It places the plants securely on its rotating robotic platform base. The autonomous mobile robots’ arms then space the plants in a pre-programmed pattern (square or hex).
BigTop is able to navigate and operate in both indoor and outdoor environments. Our mobile robot can reach speeds of one meter per second and can carry a payload of up to 30 kg. With an operating battery capacity of about 16 hours using two interchangeable batteries, BigTop increases efficiency and productivity.
Benefits of AIS’ Autonomous Mobile Robots
Eliminate labour shortages
AIS’ BigTop is always available, and you will no longer have to search to hire workers to meet labor-intensive tasks.
AIS’ BigTop works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to get the job done faster and more efficiently.
AIS’ BigTop is highly accurate and is not subject to human errors caused by repeated stress or boredom.
The combination of increased performance and productivity means saving money from day one.